Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
For service providers

Application Catalog

Integrations with the tools and services you know and trust
Seagate Lyve Services
Seagate Lyve™ is an edge-to-cloud mass storage platform from Seagate®—built for the distributed enterprise to capture the unstructured data explosion.
Rectron Cloud Marketplace
Rectron PTY LTD
Rectron cloud marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
RackNap Marketplace & Subscription Management Platform
ZNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
RackNap is a marketplace and subscription management platform - trusted by global brands to grow their subscription business. Ideal for CSPs, MSPs, ISVs/SaaS, MSSPs and DC providers.
Zapier connects over 6,000 applications to automate workflows without coding. It lets you manage customer lists from spreadsheets, integrate usage data into billing apps, and receive alerts from Acronis directly in your corporate messanger.
Automate your daily tasks with 2-way synchronization for customer management, provision Acronis offering items and access real-time Acronis alerts from within the ServiceNow console.
FreshBooks integration enables partners to sync the customers, products, taxes and ledgers stored in your accounting platform with Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud. Get invoices generated in Acronis Advanced Automation uploaded to your accounting platform automatically.
MinIO Cloud-Native Object Storage
MinIO S3 Cloud Storage as a destination for Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.
Datto Autotask PSA
Datto Autotask PSA
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud seamlessly integrates with Autotask PSA to streamline provisioning and management of your cyber protection services.
StorMagic SvSAN
StorMagic SvSAN provides simple, flexible, and reliable highly available hyperconverged storage with just 2 servers. Alongside Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, to provide backup and DR capabilities, this combination keeps data always available, secure, and protected.
Can’t find your favorite tool or service?
With the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud platform, developers, software vendors and service providers can build new applications and share them with the Acronis community. Building a new application is fast and easy with a powerful low-code CyberApp Standard development framework. You can build a new integration or nominate your favorite tool for integration.