Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
For service providers

Application Catalog

Integrations with the tools and services you know and trust

Distributor integrations

Integrations that help service providers and resellers to automate service purchasing, managing and invoicing routines.
BPS Marketplace
BPS cloud marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Intcomex Cloud Marketplace
Intcomex Cloud
Intcomex Cloud Marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Info Quest Marketplace
Info Quest
Info Quest cloud marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace
Ingram Micro
Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Studica Cloud Marketplace
Stock Distribuidora is responsible for distributing solutions from Acronis. Operates 100% via channels, resellers and integrators, we act in a consultative manner, assisting channels in all processes of the sales cycle.
Logicom Marketplace
Logicom Distribution
Logicom Cloud Marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes. Cloud Marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Leader Marketplace
Leader Cloud Marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Giacom Marketplace
Giacom cloud marketplace automates and makes it easy for service providers to purchase, deliver and manage cloud services for customers of all sizes.
Can’t find your favorite tool or service?
With the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud platform, developers, software vendors and service providers can build new applications and share them with the Acronis community. Building a new application is fast and easy with a powerful low-code CyberApp Standard development framework. You can build a new integration or nominate your favorite tool for integration.