Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud integration with Okta
With this integration, users can log in to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud using their Okta username and password, eliminating the need for separate Acronis credentials.
The integration recognizes the multi-factor authentication (MFA) status from Okta, allowing users to bypass the second-factor challenge in Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud if they have already completed Okta MFA.
The integration automates user account provisioning from Okta to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, including updating user account attributes. It also supports exporting existing user accounts from Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud to Okta. Access is managed by assigning individual users or user groups to the registered Acronis application in Okta. Deprovisioning or unassigning a user in Okta will automatically revoke their access to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.
With pre-integrated applications in both Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud and the Okta Integration Network, setup and configuration can be completed in just minutes.