Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
For service providers

Application Catalog

Integrations with the tools and services you know and trust
Integration: ConnectWise BrightGauge
Category: Reporting
Company: ConnectWise

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud integration with ConnectWise BrightGauge

Integrate Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud with ConnectWise BrightGauge and gain complete visibility into your Acronis environment. Monitor all your essential Acronis Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) directly in BrightGauge. Stay on top of alerts, track the protection status of every device, and keep tabs on Acronis task progress. This integration empowers Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to proactively manage their clients' Acronis backup and security, ensuring data safety and minimizing downtime risks.
  • Acronis
  • Acronis

Get full visibility with Acronis and BrightGauge

BrightGauge dashboards simplify data consumption through centralization and visualiization. BrightGauge dashboards put your most important data points in one place, so you can make faster, sharper business decisions.



Can’t find your favorite tool or service?
With the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud platform, developers, software vendors and service providers can build new applications and share them with the Acronis community. Building a new application is fast and easy with a powerful low-code CyberApp Standard development framework. You can build a new integration or nominate your favorite tool for integration.