Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud integration with Backup Radar
Set up the integration via the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud management console in mere minutes. Get your API Credentials and enter them into the Backup Radar application to enable real-time monitoring of Acronis backups within your Backup Radar account.
Get the tools you need to monitor your clients’ entire IT environment, including backups. By integrating Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud with Backup Radar, you’ll gain visibility into all backed-up data from the same interface you already use to manage everything else.
The integration synchronizes Acronis alerts to the alerts in the Backup Radar application, enabling you to process them within your existing rules setup. Quickly react to and address backup issues and bring data back online faster.
Group tickets together in a way that makes sense for your workflow, such as by device name, job name, or company. Update or automatically close open tickets once issues are resolved. Additionally, you can easily send automated, scheduled internal and customer-facing reports. These include compliance audits, backup overviews, and more.